Divine Roots Therapy helps woman to remove obstacles and tap into their intuition and gifts to master call limitless abundance and opportunities into their life.

Sherian uses non-invasive alternative treatments that will help you in ​many different ways: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.

She is a certified Reiki Grand Master/Teacher & DNA Life Activator.

I guide my clients on a healing journey where they become an energetic match and experienced how to manifest powerfully all their heart desires with clarity and ease to finally live a life with purpose.

If you feel stuck, that you need guidance, sinking in suffering or overwhelm, I can help you release all these blocks and to reclaim your energy back.

Here is where it starts...

With you , exactly where you are, as you are right now.

With me , loving, honoring and guiding you to where you want to be.

With us , embarking on a sacred journey of transformation together.

Reiki & Energy Healing

Energy healing is a gentle non-invasive therapeutic approach to health, healing, and balance. People seek out energy work for a variety of health and life challenges.

The soothing and nourishing nature of energy work helps to clear, balance, and energize the human energy system, thus promoting

physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic healing.

Reiki and energy healing are now part of patient care systems in many hospitals in the United States. Because of the effective results seen over recent years, energy healing has been actively researched and more than 50 studies have been completed at universities, medical centers, and in other settings.

Divine Roots Therapy offers a variety of energy healing on different Reiki healing modalities & Life Activation DNA Awakening.

In addition, we also have three levels of Reiki training for those who would like to learn how to use Reiki's healing energy on themselves, loved ones, and even pets, or for those seeking to start their own practice.

What To Expect From Our Energy Healing Session?

Reiki Energy Healing & Life Activation DNA Awakening sessions are done in our energy healing treatment room.

Life Activation DNA Awakening sessions are done in a chair.

Reiki Energy Healing sessions are done while lying comfortably on a massage table, fully clothed, with blankets and pillows. The practitioner use their hands close to the body without touching the client.

All of our In-person energy healing treatments last 60-90 minutes per session.

What You can Experience with Reiki?

People's experiences with Reiki can vary widely, as it depends on individual beliefs, needs, and the specific Reiki practitioner's approach. Here are some of the common experiences and benefits that my clients experienced after receiving Reiki & energy healing sessions at Divine Roots Healing Center:


One of the most commonly reported effects of Reiki is a deep sense of relaxation and stress reduction. Many clients describe feeling more peaceful and calm during and after a Reiki session.

Pain Relief:

Some individuals experience a reduction in physical pain or discomfort after a Reiki session. Reiki is often used in conjunction with other forms of pain management.

Emotional Release:

Reiki can help release emotional blockages and promote emotional well-being. Some clients have felt a sense of emotional clarity and relief.

Improved Sleep:

Many people report improved sleep patterns and better sleep quality after Reiki sessions.

Enhanced Energy and Vitality:

Some individuals experience increased energy levels and a sense of revitalization after Reiki treatments.

Balanced Chakras:

Reiki balance and harmonize the body's energy centers (chakras), leading to better overall well-being.

Mind-Body Connection:

Clients often report feeling more in tune with their bodies and minds, leading to greater self-awareness and a heightened sense of overall wellness.

Spiritual Growth:

Reiki can be a deeply spiritual experience for some, fostering a sense of connection with a higher power or a greater understanding of one's spiritual path.

Stress Reduction:

People often find that Reiki helps them manage stress more effectively, leading to improved mental and emotional health.

Release of Toxins:

Some individuals report physical sensations like heat or tingling during a Reiki session, which they interpret as the release of toxins from their body.

Enhanced Intuition:

Some clients believe that after the Reiki session they increased their intuitive abilities and some of my clients experienced a deeper connection with one's intuition.

Support for Healing and Recovery:

Reiki can be used as a complementary therapy in conjunction with conventional medical treatments to support healing, recovery, and overall well-being. Many hospitals use Reiki after surgery and/or for pain and emotional relieve after treatments.

Why People Seek Energy Healing Treatments?

➔Pain Relief


➔Stress and anxiety reduction

➔Emotional Healing

➔Pre/post surgical procedures


➔Multiple sclerosis

➔Autoimmune disorders

➔Disease prevention

➔Chronic Health Conditions/Cancer

➔Spiritual growth & enhancement

➔Strengthening the Mind-Body Connection


➔Back and neck pain

➔Infertility issues

➔Wound and fracture healing




➔General well-being

Activate, unlock and access higher consciousness, spiritual abilities and

deeper connection to your life path with DNA LIFE ACTIVATION:

A time-proven life activation that helps you connect with your higher self. Unlock and activate your talents, hidden potential and soul purpose to move forward on your real path of life! In this session I activate the plan within your DNA and open the door to unique life possibilities.

It's performed through a series of energy-based techniques. This process promote personal growth, enhance spiritual awareness, and empower individuals to live a more fulfilling life in alignment with their true purpose and potential while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and at the same time clears family and genetic karmic patterns.


Life Activation DNA Awakening is a spiritual and energy healing modality that aims to awaken an individual's full potential, remove energetic blockages, unlock spiritual abilities and connect them with their higher self and life purpose.


90-minute one-on-one session with a trained practitioner who performs a healing ritual that has been handed down from the lineage of King Solomon and his temple to trained initiates, and is now being offered to bring humanity into full empowerment.

Some of the practices used include energy healing, chakra alignment and aura clearing to re-balance, re-calibrate, and “deep clean” various components of the energy field to get you prepare for your Life Activation DNA Awakening session. We also perform the following energy work:

►16-Lotus Petal Balancing

►Central Core Balancing

►Elemental Line Balancing

►Magnetic Line Balancing

►Etheric Field Clearing

►Negative Crystal Removal

►22-Strand DNA Activation

►Spiritual DNA Reading


Here are the most common benefits my clients have experienced with Life Activation:

Increased Energy and Vitality:

Some of my clients who undergo Life Activation DNA Awakening report feeling more energized and vital. They claim that it helps them overcome feelings of fatigue or lethargy, promoting a greater sense of physical and mental well-being.

Clarity and Mental Focus:

They often say that it enhances mental clarity and focus. It helps them make better decisions and think more clearly, which can lead to improved problem-solving and decision-making.

Emotional Balance:

Life Activation is sometimes associated with emotional balance and stability. They say that it helps them manage stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges more effectively.

Enhanced Creativity:

Some of them claim that Life Activation boosts their creative abilities and inspiration. They said that they feel more inclined to engage in artistic or creative pursuits.

Spiritual Connection:

They often describe a deepening of their spiritual connection or sense of purpose. They said it helps them explore their inner selves, discover their life's mission, and connect with a higher, spiritual dimension.


Many people who undergo Life Activation report that it aids in self-discovery. They say it helps them uncover hidden talents, strengths, and potential they were previously unaware of.

Overcoming Obstacles:

Life Activation have help my clients overcome personal challenges, barriers, or limitations. This can be in the form of improved relationships, career advancement, or personal growth.

Enhanced Intuition and Spiritual Abilities:

Life Activation is associated with the development of intuition and psychic abilities. Some clients claim that after the session their intuition and sensitivity to energetic and spiritual phenomena increased.


Additional Accreditations & Certifications:

Grand Master Energy

Healer, Teacher & Mentor

in the Right Hand Usui Reiki Path.

Certified Practitioner:

Gold & Kundalini Reiki

Violet Flame Reiki

Karuna Reiki

Angelic Reiki

Crystal Reiki

Reiki Space Clearing

Spiritual Life Coach

Spiritual Hypnotherapy

Past Life Regression

Certified Healer and

DNA Life Activator


Spiritual & Holistic Life Coach

and in many other holistic and spiritual healing practices.

Ordained Minister.

Also recognized in Central Florida as The Holistic Realtor®.


English & Spanish


As the demands for Divine Roots Healing Center have grown significantly, to preserve the practitioners energy to serve people who are ready and who are committed, we have decided not to offer free consultations anymore.

You are encouraged to do your own research. Our website has a wealth of information on how does our healing sessions work.

All our sessions begin with a consultation. Our initial consultation is an opportunity to directly discuss all of your concerns and the goals you wish to achieve during your healing session.

Having an initial consultation will allow you to have a clear insight into the benefits of your healing session. Each session is different and modified to each client based on our initial consultation before the healing session.

The consultation process is designed to ensure that the client's needs are met so that they can fully benefit from the rest of the healing treatment. It helps The Healer choose the appropriate techniques, suggestions and approaches that the client needs in order for them to succeed.

We also offer energy reading consultation.


Your soul has its own mission and intention, I can not directly influence whether or not your soul, your spirit or your mind will allow you for the energy healing session at the time of your appointment. I am simply a facilitator for the process. My suggestion is that you come to the session with an open mind and an open heart to receive energy healing treatment for your highest good.

Drink a lot of water and avoid any other activity after the session.

*For the success of your therapy session we need complete silence. For this reason we only allow 1 person inside per session. If you have children please make arrangements in advance.

The sessions are 30, 60 and 90 minutes long, depending on the client's needs and scheduled time. Our first session can last up to 90 minutes and subsequent sessions typically last 60 minutes. All prices are per session, not per hour. Even if you purchase a 30, 60, or 90 minute session, I will not stop the session because your time is up. My commitment to you is that your therapy and/or energy healing was completed. Sometimes clients need extra work and sessions can last longer. All prices are in US Dollars.

*Please note that I do not answer the phone, email or text messages during my therapy sessions/working hours. All Email, text and calls will be answer after my therapy session/working hours.


Single appointments are suitable for someone interested in trying our Divine Roots energy healing session, including intuitive Reiki healing for the first time, or for someone who is going or has undergone surgery or has a chronic health conditions treatment and needs to relieve the pain after treatment, or simply desires occasional reinforcement of the tools that they have learned.


Session packages provide significant discounts over the cost of single appointments and are affordable options for a course of treatment. Packages are available at clients request. Complimentary out-of-session phone support is part of the package.


My hours are by appointment. Your time slot is reserved exclusively for you. Please arrive promptly to obtain your full session – in person or online. If you do not show up for your scheduled therapy appointment, and you have not notified us at least 48 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session.

To avoid potential disappointment please plan ahead your time and be on time for your time scheduled appointment to take advantage of a full healing session. I wait for the client up to 15 minutes, after being 15 minutes late, your appointment will be canceled.

*If you do not show up for your scheduled therapy appointment, and you have not notified us at least 48 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session. Re-schedule fee is $55 per session.

*No refunds will be given for unused prepaid sessions. All prepaid sessions are non-transferable and will expire after the time schedule for your appointment unless a special arrangement is made in advance.

*No refunds for no show and 15-late appointments.

*I do not answer the phone or text messages during my therapy session/working hours. All Email, text and calls will be answer after my therapy session/working hours.


*No refunds will be given for unused prepaid sessions. All prepaid sessions are non-transferable and will expire after the time schedule for your appointment unless a special arrangement is made in advance. No refunds for no show and 15-late appointments.

No refunds after the healing session.


Due to high volume of people contacting Divine Roots Healing Center everyday, it is advised that you use the calendar link and book yourself in.

To avoid potential disappointment please plan ahead your time and be on time for your time scheduled to take advantage of a full healing session. I'll wait for the client up to 15 minutes, after being 15 minutes late, your appointment will be canceled without any refund.


Divine Roots Healing Center & their practitioner is not a licensed physician or surgeon.

Divine Roots Healing Center treatments are not licensed by the state but are complementary to the healing arts services. It is outside of this practitioner’s scope of practice to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any physical or mental illness, and that nothing said in the course of the session should be construed as such. 

Divine Roots Healing Center therapy should not be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment and you should see a physician, or other qualified medical specialist for any mental or physical ailment.


If you have any questions, please contact us via email:



Lakeside Estates

Kissimmee, FL 34743

2223 Fortune Rd, Kissimmee, FL

Remote Session by Zoom, WhatsApp or Messenger.